Public Rights Of Way: Footpaths, Bridleways and Byways
The Parish of Stockbridge has a network of Rights of Way, comprising 12 footpaths and one bridleway.
For ease of reference, footpaths are for walking; bridleways for walking, horse riding and cycling; and restricted byways are for walking, cycling, horse riding and other non motorised vehicles.
A map detailing the Rights of Way in Stockbridge can be found here:
(click on tiles 09.15 and 09.16)
Problems with Rights of Way
It is Hampshire County Council's legal duty for recording, signing and maintaining the Rights of Way. More details can be found here: way
Hampshire County Council has limited reserves, therefore clearance of five nominated Rights of Way are carried out in the Parish once a year. Routine clearance is therefore carried out, as required, by the Parish Lengthman.
Problems found with any Rights of Way, should be reported to Hampshire County Council. More details can be found here:
Landowner Responsibilities
Landowners, including those residential properties bordering Rights of Way, must refrain from obstructing rights of way. They are responsible for keeping side growth back and any overhanging vegetation from encroaching onto paths. Maintenance of stiles and gates is also the responsibility of the landowner, but Hampshire County Council will check that they are safe and easy to use. There is no obligation on a landowner to make allowance for dogs t0 get through stiles. More details on landowner responsibilities can be found here: