Old London Rd Safety project
The Traffic Safety Working Group has been formed with members of the Parish Council and with members of the community to look at safety measures around the East of Stockbridge.
The Chair of the Group is Cllr Michael Porter
The terms of reference for this Working Group are all aspects of traffic safety in Stockbridge but the Working Group is not concerned with parking enhancement. HCC recognise this distinction in their dealings with the school and accept the problem at Stockbridge Primary School is not a parking one.
Stockbridge Parish Council is seeking CIL funding from TVBC to make Old London Rd one way, as agreed in the Public meeting held on 12th November and as documented in the Primary School travel plan. HCC has agreed to fund extending the kerb into the White Hart roundabout on the slip road coming from the A30. The intention is to force the traffic further into the roundabout to allow for one lane only and therefore to slow up the speed of traffic. See attached diagram below. HCC has also agreed to fund some minor traffic safety improvements as agreed at the Public Meeting on 12th November 2019.